Building a truly empowered team takes a significant amount of business intellect, personal insight and emotional intelligence, and an overall commitment to a core vision. It requires energy to nurture and build your team’s talent, while also moving your company’s strategic goal forward. This on it’s own, can be exhausting, especially if you’re serving as a business’ primary leader or executive team member. Now add in every other challenge of the past year and ask yourself an honest question, “Do I have an indestructible team?”
Now ask yourself, “How am I doing? How am I really doing?” If you can’t answer these questions honestly or without fear, it may be time to explore hiring a business coach. But what is coaching? Why do I need a coach? What will coaching help me learn about my own identity?
We can start to explore these questions in a clarity call; but before you schedule that call, it’s important to share what a Nayan Leadership coaching session looks like with me. Every coach-client relationship is different, but here are three core questions I use to start every coaching experience.
3 Questions to Get You Started
What led you to seek a coach?
Why I Ask: This question accomplishes a few things.
- It puts the idea of a desired outcome in the mind of a potential client. If you come into the call without a desired outcome, it helps you get started on thinking about it.
- It also tells me a client’s intentions for starting this journey. Meaning, is it themselves seeking development and betterment or is it because of someone else’s desire, request, or command.
What is the current state of things?
Why I Ask: I might not always ask the question this particular way, but I always want to know what you are doing currently that you believe is not working. More importantly, I want to know why you feel it’s not working.
Understanding your desired outcome and how that’s different from the current state of affairs helps paint a picture of our potential path forward.
How meaningful is this to you at this point in time?
Why I Ask: Again, this is about intentions, and I always want to make sure that whatever you want to work on is meaningful and has impact in your life for you. It’s a simple equation that if it’s meaningful to you, then you’re more likely to be engaged and involved in the process.
If the intention isn’t there, it doesn’t mean coaching isn’t for you, it may just not be the right time for you. Understanding your own intention and aligning that with your desired outcome allows us to create a successful business coaching experience that facilitates your growth, which in turn translates to the growth of your business.
Schedule Your Clarity Call
If these three questions sparked both purpose and the desire to move yourself and your business forward, then a clarity call is the right next step.
Do you have 30 minutes for a thoughtful conversation, with the intention to build a stronger business? Great, me too.
Great session!
Great information!
Thanks so much for helping out the businesses fluorish and being a great support in the community. Keep up the great work!!
Awesome advice
Good talk that everyone to listen sir. I was inspired
This is is interesting
This article is great. Might have a call if id run my own business
Well said. In the process of reassessing, redefining, and redirecting my personal and professional goals, I have found intentions to be at the heart of every step.
I love the content
I look forward to scheduling a session for personal and business reasons!
Hello Becky,
I hope you are having an amazing day! Please forgive me as I overlooked this comment. I would love to set up a call with you!
I’ve attached a link to my calendar. I look forward to speaking with you! If you have any questions, please let me know!
Dhru Bee