In the annals of cinematic history, few characters have captivated audiences with the sheer power and charisma of Conan the Barbarian, as played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Released in 1982, “Conan the Barbarian” introduced us to a world of swords, sorcery,...
Cinema Coach is a series dedicated to combining my passions for film and coaching. So much of what we choose to watch impacts our view on the world. Let’s watch something good together! Plot Summary Hailed as “the best show you’ve never watched,” HBO MAX’s hit series...
There are many things to criticize about the Terminator Dark Fate. One thing that was unexpected and a pleasant surprise, however, was much more subtle than the clear fan-service callbacks to the original Terminator and Terminator 2: its philosophical...
It’s been a little while but in continuing with our Cinema Coach series, it would be almost irresponsible to not mention one of the most effective and well-executed examples of the difference that a change in perspective can make: The Karate Kid and the Cobra Kai...
Welcome to Nayan Leadership’s new blog series, Cinema Coach! To kick off our new series, we’re going to talk about a Nayan favorite, Jet Li’s Fearless. This movie is filled with philosophical, thought-provoking concepts that are rich with coaching...
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